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Unwind, the Balinese style

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Unwind, the Balinese style

Mental or emotional pressures surround everyone’s life, be it unending bill payment concerns or demanding family and professional commitments. Different factors and situations act as a stressor in the day to day lifestyle, some people are unable to cope with the minimal pressures of life and others find the most difficult moments as motivational stepping stone to succeed. What is your personality largely depends on your attitude towards life but it also depends on the lifestyle you choose to manage your life.

There are many options such as meditation, breathing techniques, different forms of yoga and massage treatments, which aids one to stay focused and not become paralyzed by feeling irritated or be low in self esteem. With unlimited coping mechanisms to boast once well-being, a massage treatment is a well known method opted by many people due to the popularity of the spa culture in towards lifestyle. It is most preferred choice of treatment amongst the many others that helps to rejuvenate body and mind and regain inner balance.

About the massage

Originated in Bali, this traditional treatment offers a combination acupressure, reflexology and aromatherapy to pamper the body, release body tension and soothes all kinds of pain. This luxurious spa therapy includes deep tissue and muscular massage technique to cure all damaged tissues, relieve joint pain and strained muscles. It helps in treating varied ailments including anxiety, migraines, sleep disorders, depression, headache, asthma, allergy, stress, depression and other respiratory problems.

Benefits from the massage

  • Deep pressure relaxes and treats muscle pain and contributes in faster detoxification of the whole body.
  • Continuous soft strokes improve the blood circulation in any tissue and muscle fibres close to the skin surface.
  • Gentle stretches enhance flexibility and shape up your physique and prevents any future muscle and joint injuries.
  • Acupressure technique used during the treatment soothes pain and balances the subtle energies of the body and spirit. When pressing on specific points, a therapist can unlock the accumulated energy and enable a completely free energy flow throughout the body.
  • Aroma oils harbour a wonderful effect on the respiratory system to leave you feeling calm and relaxed.


In all, this massage recharges the whole body system. It is ideal for you to balance the body, enhance the flow of blood, oxygen, and energy, stimulates the metabolic process, provides relief from muscle damage, relieves fatigue and refreshes and relaxes the mind.

Word of caution

If you have undergone any surgery or any other medical treatment, then this massage is not recommended. Consult the spa expert for advice on which alternative treatment you can avail. Also communicate to the therapist if you have joint or limb pain and have low or high blood pressure, since appropriate guidance is required before undergoing this massage.

Call to book now: +971 4 370 9706 or 800COOL (800 2665)

Make an appointment at our branch at Oud Metha, Dubai or Prism Tower, Business Bay, Dubai.

Prism Tower, Business Bay, Dubai: Open from 10:00AM to 11:00PM
Call to book: 04 4203344

Oud Metha, Dubai: Open from 10:00 am to 12:00AM Midnight
Call to book: 04 3709706

Or Book Online Now

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