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Can Regular Pedicures Help Reduce The Risk Of Fungal Infection On The Feet?

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Can Regular Pedicures Help Reduce The Risk Of Fungal Infection On The Feet?

You might not think very much about your feet. How they look, beyond just being presentable, does not worry you too much. After all, you are usually wearing shoes, and as long as nothing seems wrong, your foot health isn’t a priority.

However, fungal infections can strike when you least expect it, causing pain and making your feet something you want to hideaway.

How can you prevent this from happening? Read on to find out more.

Where fungal infections hit

Fungal infections can build up around and under your nails, and can even strike the skin of your feet. If a fungal infection starts up in one area of your foot, it could easily spread to another area.

Why fungal infections happen

Fungal infections can happen to anyone. They are more likely to strike older adults, but don’t let that make you feel comfortable. You can develop a fungal infection no matter your age if your nails and skin are dry and cracked, as this makes it easier for fungus to get trapped and develop.

Impact of fungal infections

When fungal infections affect your nails, you may see whitish or yellowish spots under your nails. Your nails may also feel brittle, be cracking, or appear thickened. In some cases, they may even smell unpleasant.

The benefits of pedicures

Maintaining your nailsl and feet with a pedicure is a great way to reduce the chances of a fungal infection. Pedicures target problem areas and will flag up cracked or damaged areas, cleaning them thoroughly and giving them protective treatments. Your pedicurist will be able to recommend how you can best keep your nails healthy between your pedicure sessions – but booking in regularly with a trained professional will keep any fungi at bay more easily.

Keeping your nails well kept can help your overall health, as well as your look. A pedicure could be the key to happier and healthier feet – and you can wear your summer sandals or hit the beach with pride.

Contact Cool Aroma – The Spa for Men

If you are interested in booking an appointment, contact Cool Aroma on 04 3709706 or book online through our website or WhatsApp us on 056 6780505. We have branches of our men’s spa located in Business Bay and Oud Metha.

Make an appointment at our branch at Oud Metha, Dubai or Prism Tower, Business Bay, Dubai.

Prism Tower, Business Bay, Dubai: Open from 10:00AM to 11:00PM
Call to book: 04 4203344

Oud Metha, Dubai: Open from 10:00 am to 12:00AM Midnight
Call to book: 04 3709706

Or Book Online Now

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