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A Gentlemen’s Guide To Massage Etiquette

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A Gentlemen’s Guide To Massage Etiquette

As relaxing as a massage is, it can sometimes be equally uncomfortable due to the concern of what is appropriate or what is expected of you as a client. Almost all of us feel slightly awkward when we first step into the massage room – it’s completely normal, and only the biggest massage connoisseur is lucky enough to escape that feeling. But, fear not – it’s only those first fleeting moments that tense you up before your relaxing massage.

Here are a few basic tips on what your therapist might expect from you in form of regular etiquette:


Make sure you’ve showered before going in for your massage – as long as you have made sure you have cross checked basic hygiene off your list, you should be fine. The best thing to do is to spritz a little deodorant on before your session as well. This will help avoid those frantic moments of you wondering whether you are smelling bad when the therapist gets close during the massage.

Be Comfortable

Most massages are best if you are undressed, but if you’re uncomfortable without your clothes on you won’t be able to relax. If you prefer to keep all your clothes on, you don’t have to apologize. If you are unsure of what you need to keep on or take off, it’s perfectly alright to ask prior to undressing!


If you feel the pressure is too light, it is completely acceptable to ask your therapist to go a little harder. If something hurts, the first thing you should do is let them know. Remember, the therapist’s job is to release tension, not create it. And it is only when you openly communicate with them that they can do their job best.

Keep Hold of Time

Whether its arriving on time for your appointment, or the amount of time you take to get dressed after your massage, make sure you are considerate of the therapists schedule. Always try getting to your appointment early! Also, taking too long to dress up after your massage may cause delays for the the next client due to use the massage room. Simply keeping these things in mind will help the whole experience be a lot more pleasant for you and your therapist.

If you are ever in doubt, you can rely on standard etiquette guidelines and ask the therapist about anything you’re not sure of. They are trained to make people feel more comfortable, and do not really mind answering your questions.

Have you faced a particularly awkward situation that you didn’t know how to handle? Share it with us in the comments below, and we’ll see if we can guide you from a therapist’s point of view!

Make an appointment at our branch at Oud Metha, Dubai or Prism Tower, Business Bay, Dubai.

Prism Tower, Business Bay, Dubai: Open from 10:00AM to 11:00PM
Call to book: 04 4203344

Oud Metha, Dubai: Open from 10:00 am to 12:00AM Midnight
Call to book: 04 3709706

Or Book Online Now

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