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Permit Number: 1211970 | Business Bay: Open 10AM to 11PM 04 4203344 | Oud Metha: Open 10 am to 12AM Midnight 04 3709706

A Hammam Is a Cleansing and Rejuvenating Experience. Just What You Need To End Your Busy Week.

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A Hammam Is a Cleansing and Rejuvenating Experience. Just What You Need To End Your Busy Week.

A Hammam is a sacred cleansing ritual in Moroccan culture.  Men visit their local Hammam once a week to de-stress, linger in a cleansing environment, and catch up with friends.

A Hammam is much like what the ancient Romans experienced when they frequented their “baths.”  Or like men from the UK or America do today when they de-stress in the the steam rooms at their health clubs. At Cool Aroma, a Hammam is a retreat from daily stresses, and akin to a journey of peace and serenity.

Why do men like you enjoy a Hammam?  Because they need this stress-relieving experience to totally relax and reach a state of complete peace and harmony.

Stress can play havoc with your overall state of healthfulness.  A Hammam makes you feel cleansed from the inside out and improves the health of your skin, body and mind.

A Hammam at Cool Aroma is a private, discreet and individualized experience.  It is for you only and no one else.  You will have a secluded individual Hammam.  You will also have a male attendant who will attend to your personal cleansing and relaxation needs.

A Hammam incorporates many healthful properties.  It will not only help you relax but will increase the blood flow to all parts of your body.  It can be beneficial for pain relief and conditioning.   Unlike other forms of cleansing, a Hammam incorporates the healing benefits of massage.

The Hammam Experience
You will be escorted into the camekan, or entrance room, where you can change your clothes and enjoy a cup of tea or a cold drink.

Before you go into your bath, the tellak (staff member) will bring you to a transition area, the iliklik, or intermediate room, where you can adjust to the heat.

From there you will enter the hararet, or hot room. Your private attendant will bathe and vigorously scrub you down. Following the scrubbing you will be treated to an application of a special luxurious hair shampoo.

You will be rinsed in warm, clear water and provided a soothing massage afterwards. Absolute bliss!

Call Cool Aroma Gentlemen’s Spa to schedule your appointment for a private Hammam at: { + 971 4 370 9706}

Make an appointment at our branch at Oud Metha, Dubai or Prism Tower, Business Bay, Dubai.

Prism Tower, Business Bay, Dubai: Open from 10:00AM to 11:00PM
Call to book: 04 4203344

Oud Metha, Dubai: Open from 10:00 am to 12:00AM Midnight
Call to book: 04 3709706

Or Book Online Now

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2015 Cool Aroma- All rights reserved

Branch 1: Prism Tower, Business Bay, Dubai.

Branch 2: Shop 14,Al Nasr Plaza, Oud Metha, Dubai.

Phone (Oud Metha): 04 370 970 6

Phone (Business Bay): 04 420 334 4
