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How Does Ayurvedic Massage Benefit Your Dosha?

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How Does Ayurvedic Massage Benefit Your Dosha?

If you have heard of Ayurvedic massage, you may not be aware of the many levels that this kind of massage can work on. Here we will look at how Ayurvedic massage helps with fixing dosha* and the benefits of Ayurvedic massage for men in Dubai.

What is Ayurvedic massage?

The practice of Ayurvedic massage brings together the Indian concept of the science of life (Ayurveda itself), and the physical importance of pressure points across the body. The aim of Ayurvedic massage is to bridge the gaps between your mind, body and spirit, creating balance and promoting healing. During an Ayurvedic massage, you will enjoy a variety of kneading and strokes with essential oils.

*What is dosha?

Ayurveda honours the five elements essential to life, which are space, water, air, fire and earth. These come together and build your doshas, found within your body. These are Kapha, (water and earth), Vata (air and space) and Pitta (fire and water). By balancing these, the 5,000-year-old principles behind this practice say that the doshas will help you to heal more effectively and feel a sense of peace.

How does Ayurvedic massage differ from other kinds of massage?

While many types of massage use essential oils, Ayurvedic massage blends these warmed oils with special Ayurvedic herbs chosen to balance your most prominent dosha. The oils are chosen in a way which is bespoke to you and enters your skin to combat the toxins so that they can be released.

The benefits of Ayurvedic body massage

You can enjoy Ayurvedic massage for both physical and spiritual concerns, for example, Ayurvedic massage for back pain is common. On a deeper level, the main purpose is to balance your dosha and help you to be more aware of your body, relaxed, detoxified and less stressed.

There are so many benefits of Ayurvedic body massage, and it can be quite different from other forms of massage. If you want to explore Ayurvedic massage for balancing chakras and removing toxins, book in with Cool Aroma Gentlemen’s Spa through our contact form.

Make an appointment at our branch at Oud Metha, Dubai or Prism Tower, Business Bay, Dubai.

Prism Tower, Business Bay, Dubai: Open from 10:00AM to 11:00PM
Call to book: 04 4203344

Oud Metha, Dubai: Open from 10:00 am to 12:00AM Midnight
Call to book: 04 3709706

Or Book Online Now

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