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Massage Your Way to a Slimmer You

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Massage Your Way to a Slimmer You

Thai massage happens to be one of the oldest of massage techniques in subsistence today, dating back to 2,500 years. Developed by Buddhist monks at the time of Gautama Buddha, it has been passed through the hands of monks and their students, eventually spreading out across the globe.

As one of the most popular massages around, it is known for it’s ability to foster healing of the body and endorse better health and well-being.

However, a little known fact is that it is significantly helpful for people who are looking to slim down. Before dissecting how it helps with weight loss, let’s first outline what this massage is all about.

How Thai Massage Works?

The massage is given on a mat on the floor, with the receiver wearing loose fitting clothes. The massage therapists don’t carry any tools; they use their fingers, knees, hands, legs as well as their feet to apply pressure to the body. It’s quite like a yoga session wherein the entire body is stretched, pushed and pulled into different positions, allowing every muscle in the body to loosen up.

Given the yoga-like movements it reflects, Thai massage is often termed as the lazy man’s yoga. At the end of a Thai massage, you feel totally rejuvenated and relaxed. Frequent and regular sessions ensure that your body muscles function in the right manner, and help improve fluidity.

Benefits You Avail from a Thai Massage

As Thai massage involves the movement of entire body, it brings along several benefits. The stretch and massage on the pressure points relieves you of stress and muscle tension. It’s good for joint pain and sore muscles too, and improves the body’s flexibility considerably. If you keep getting painful muscle cramps, Thai massage ensures they are healed completely. You will also notice an increase in blood circulation and balancing of energy flow. It’s even good for detoxification and lymphatic drainage.

Thai Massage for Slimming

So how does all this translate into being helpful for slimming? Given the rigorous stretching sessions involved, you firstly feel more energetic and toned. It also detoxifies the endocrine system that aids in regulating metabolism. By improving the body’s metabolism, weight loss can happen in a quicker and more sustainable manner.

Book our Thai Massage today!
+971 4 370 9706 for appointments.


Make an appointment at our branch at Oud Metha, Dubai or Prism Tower, Business Bay, Dubai.

Prism Tower, Business Bay, Dubai: Open from 10:00AM to 11:00PM
Call to book: 04 4203344

Oud Metha, Dubai: Open from 10:00 am to 12:00AM Midnight
Call to book: 04 3709706

Or Book Online Now

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