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Top 3 essential summer treatments for men’s grooming Summer is the season for getting out and living your best life, so you’re going to want to document your fun and maybe get a nice tan while you're at it! For those wanting to look and feel their best, here are three men's summer grooming tips. Skincare and facial treatments In the heat, you’re already bound to sweat; and if you suffer from oily skin, your face is just going to become ... Continue Reading

How to boost muscle recovery after an injury When injured, the treatment that immediately follows might be seen to be the most important part of healing. However, the recuperation process afterwards also needs to be approached with the same level of attention, as a full recovery depends on slowly nursing your body back to full health. Active and passive recovery Directly after injury, the body needs rest to heal. This means a lot of... Continue Reading

Three things women secretly notice about men’s hygiene The stereotype that only women care about their cleanliness is slowly but surely becoming dated. Nowadays, especially with social media raising standards, ladies are beginning to pay more attention to their male counterparts’ hygiene especially with these three factors. Bad skin The first point of visual contact is usually the face and good first impressions are naturally very important... Continue Reading

Shaving vs waxing – which is best for men? Removing body hair is a fairly common part of male grooming in the modern era - it's clean, aesthetic, can help with athletic performance and can contribute to an overall tidy appearance. But what's the best way to do it? Setting aside more unusual methods, there are two main ways to remove hair - shaving or waxing. Both have their advantages; we'll take a look at both and assess which is the best pick for you. Shaving ... Continue Reading
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